Hello! Welcome to my papermadeprettier Stampin' Up store and site! So glad you are here. I am papercrafter, wife and mother of 2, psychiatrist, and school and church volunteer who loves to make pretty things in my spare time. I also like long walks in my neighborhood. I love papercrafting with others so much. I have been a Stampin' Up Demonstrator since 2006 and love that the cards and projects I create have connected me with some of the coolest people that I now call my dearest friends. I love people and papercrafting, so being a Stampin' Up demonstrator is perfect. I teach papercrafing classes to people who learn to make cards, treats, scrapbooks, home decor items and more. I am also passionate about helping others achieve their dreams with their Stampin' Up business. My team of 50+ Happy Shoppers would be happy to get to know you! I am here to be your creative coach, inspire you with fun ideas and help you create wonderful things. In the process, you might just make some new forever friends! I share projects on my blog from time to time, so visit me there as well!